2008-06-28 - Hosts file for new server
I have made a change to the name servers for the domain to point to a newer host. If you wish to visit the new site before your isp updates it DNS, add the following to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts if you are on *nix.  www.dead-donkey.com dead-donkey.com  forum.dead-donkey.com  scifi.dead-donkey.com
2008-06-28 - Site migration in progress
A site move is in progress, please be aware there will be some downtime during this time.

Please Note: Remove all hosts file entries you may have from previous moves... these are strictly temporary. When you point a domain to a new server you must change some top level settings and these take a while to propagate on the net.
2008-04-14 - NameServer Propagation
I have made a change to the name servers for the domain to point to a newer host. If you wish to visit the new site before your isp updates it DNS, add the following to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts if you are on *nix.  www.dead-donkey.com  dead-donkey.com  forum.dead-donkey.com  scifi.dead-donkey.com

Please remember to remove these in a couple of days!!!! Otherwise if we change ip you may not be able to get onto dead-donkey.com!
2008-04-13 - Further unexplained downtime
Dead-Donkey.com is experiencing further downtime, as yet I can not say why but the entire box is once again unreachable and no response is coming from pinging dead-donkey.com. I apologise for this, this is fustrating and I currently am at the whim of Sunday remote support trying to get answers.

I am sourcing alternative hosts, once again if you know of an offshore hosting company or can offer hosting please contact me (pm at http://forum.fucktheinter.net , http://www.fileheaven.org or send me a message on AOL IM, usename spudthedestroyer).
2008-03-24 - Downtime
Seems that the new host has been hit hard this weekend and has suffered hardware failure which has blacked out the shared hosting box. There's not much we can do as a user at this point, other than wait for the host to restore service to its customers.
I am currently looking at other hosting packages with a faster support response and better resources.
2008-03-03 - NameServer Propagation
Whilst it can take up to a week for the nameserver information to propagate, many isps will have the new details by now. Please remove the hosts file entry if this has happened. It is a hack to get you on the server early but when you can resolve dead-donkey.com correctly it is no longer needed!     dead-donkey.com     www2.dead-donkey.com     www.dead-donkey.com     forum.dead-donkey.com     scifi.dead-donkey.com

Please remember to remove these in a couple of days!!!! Otherwise if we change ip you may not be able to get onto dead-donkey.com!
2008-03-03 - Migration details
We are now hosted on another server. Nameservers will get through eventually, but if you want to jump the gun add the following to (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ) file (or /etc/hosts if you are wargand :)):     dead-donkey.com     www2.dead-donkey.com     www.dead-donkey.com     forum.dead-donkey.com     scifi.dead-donkey.com

Please remember to remove these in a couple of days!!!! Otherwise if we change ip you may not be able to get onto dead-donkey.com!
2008-03-02 - Database backed up and converted
The database has been backed up and converted and we are just in the process of restoring this remotely on the new host.
2008-03-02 - Migration in progress
As of 6:26 PM GMT, the site has been disabled and backups are being made. This conincided with a 'final send off' from our old host which was a plague of 500 errors when the poorly written cron job kicked in as it did every sunday.
The migration will take several hours, if you are a beta tester, please contact me via msn as previously requested and i will provide details on how to access the site before the DNS change.
2008-02-24 - Initial Information
This site will be used for information on the status of the migration of www.dead-donkey.com between service providers.
Due to an unacceptable level of service from our current host, a migration to a new host was necessary. This will hopefully bring the speed and quality of experience up to something more suitable to 2008.